
Bonji are an evolved form of the ancient Siddham script used to represent certain Bosatsu and Nyorai. Each divinity has a Bonji assigned to them containing their essence and power, and everyone has their own personal bonji which correlates to the year of the Chinese Zodiac in which they were born.

Bonji:Taraque / Kokūzou Bosatsu
Represents the Years of the Ox and Tiger

Bonji:Ahn / Fugen Bosatsu
Represents the Year of the Dragon and Snake

Bonji:Ban / Dainichi Nyorai
Represents the Year of the Sheep and Monkey

Bonji:Kirique /Amida Nyorai
Represents the Years of the Rat, Dog and Boar

Bonji:Man/Monju Bosatsu
Represents the Year of the Rabbit

Bonji: Saku / Seishi Bosatsu
Represents the Year of the Horse

Boni:Kaan / Fudo Myōo
Represents the Year of the Rooster